Doors and Keys

You are issued a key to your Residence Hall room at the beginning of the semester when you are checked in by your Residence Supervisor.
  • You should always carry your residence room/dorm key with you. Room keys are the property of Maranatha Baptist University.
    • You may not have your key duplicated. Violation of this policy will result in a significant disciplinary penalty.
  • Room keys are never to be given to an unauthorized person.
  • Lost room keys or malfunctioning door locks should always be promptly reported.
    • The fee for replacing a lost key is $10. A lost key that is not reported to the Residence Supervisor immediately will be treated as a key that has not been returned.
  • Failure to return a room key at checkout will result in a $25 charge.
  • If locked out, look for a roommate, RA, or Residence Supervisor. If none of these people are available, then the student should call Security or the Student Life Office.
  • Rooms hosting visitors should make sure that visitors are not locked out.
  • Doors should be locked from the outside with a key, not by pushing the button and closing the door.