A Salute to our Bible Seniors

Well Done | A Salute to Bible Seniors

When you accomplish something great, there should be a celebration. In college, it’s Commencement, a time when we celebrate graduates who have just completed years of grueling work to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.

We want to especially highlight those who have dedicated themselves to becoming a leader through vocational ministry. These are not all the Bible graduates, but they do provide a range that exemplify the spirit of our graduates from the College of Bible and Church Ministries.

Andrew Holloway

As a Youth Ministries major, Andrew entered college with a burning desire to influence kids with the gospel. He leaves college with the same desire. Like many, he needed direction and he needed experience. Between serving in the youth and music program in his local church, leading MBU music teams, and participating in his society’s sports and events, Andrew exposed himself to a wide range of opportunities.

Additionally, he soaked up the Word of God in his classes, This grounded his faith and built a community of believers around him that exemplify the love of God. He plans to further his knowledge by getting his Master’s degree in Organizational Leadership through MBU. In the future, he wants to lead kids to experience the gospel in their lives as he has.

Katy Yoak

She had a desire for serve her Savior, but she needed help knowing why she believes what she believes. In Katy’s four years at MBU, she saw God solidify her faith. She has learned that the Bible is not just an old religious book. It’s a living Word that impacts and changes our lives on a daily basis.

Additionally, Katy has rounded out her experiences by serving in almost every level of youth ministry at her church. She also helped organize student body activities for two years. She has seen God provide finances, strength, patience, and…a husband! She and her future husband, Joel Depue, are excited to serve in a local church in Pennsylvania.

Megan (Ridiske) Thompson

Megan admits to coming into the Bible department with a little too much confidence. Throughout her academic career, God changed her heart and showed her how much of Himself she cannot comprehend, yet how enjoyable He is to know.

The faculty have mentored her to think critically and accurately about the Word of God. She learned to apply doctrine appropriately so she can minster to people in our culture. She looks forward to using her Biblical knowledge, local church experience, and collegiate volleyball background to help minister alongside her husband, Steven, as he becomes an assistant pastor in Illinois.

Caleb Hetue

Caleb is a man who entered college with a heart for pastoral ministry. But he felt overwhelmed by the prospect of shepherding other believers. However, with the help of the MBU faculty, Caleb has come to see that the Bible does have all the answers and that He can be confident to face the questions of others with the Word of God.

But perhaps the most important lesson he has learned is the priority of a deep relationship with Christ before all else. Though he gained experience through dorm leadership and local church ministry, the understanding of the centrality of his walk with Christ has energized him to enter vocational ministry with passion.

Kylar Graf

If you have spent any meaningful time on the campus of Maranatha in the past 4 years, you know Kylar. And if you have spent any time talking with him, you know two things: he’s got jokes and he is passionate about the Word of God.

As a Biblical Studies major, Kylar has exposed himself to as much of the Bible as possible. He made sure that every elective was a class on another book of the Bible. Every time, he finished the class realizing how little he knew of God’s Word. His thirst for God’s Word is active towards others. He served in any capacity he could at his local church whether it was preaching, kids ministries, or ushering.

Kylar has experienced God’s love and protection throughout his four years and has been strengthened by the community of believers that support him. He is not shy in sharing his gratitude, and he has an undying love for the people at MBU.

While on campus, Kylar also enjoys the MBU Crazies section. He leads Sabercat spirit with the joy of Christ that can make anyone smile. We are excited to see how God uses Kylar’s future ministry as he pursues his MDiv next semester. He loves his God, he loves His Word, and he loves His people.

Rachel Archibald

How does the gospel intersect our lives on a day-to-day basis? This is a question that Biblical Counseling major Rachel Archibald saw answered. Through classes she learned what grace and faith look like, and through conversations and one-on-one ministry she experienced what they feel like. Through dorm leadership and local church children’s ministry, God grew Rachel’s passion for building redemptive relationships as he moves her into her next stage of life.

She anticipates her upcoming wedding and the opportunity to serve in her community and make a difference for the gospel simply by showing Christ daily at her job. She may not be in vocational ministry, but she will definitely be a full-time believer.