Choose to lead well.

Choose to Lead Well

What do you want your leadership to look like? If you’ve ever met an MBU college rep, you’ve probably heard him ask that question. That’s because our mission here at MBU, and the way that mission can shape your life is wrapped up in that question.  

No matter where you go or what you do in your life, you will be a leader. You will influence people in your family, your church, and your job by the way you speak, work, and live.  

Sounds like a great opportunity, right? That’s because it is – but it’s also a great responsibility. Your influence on those around you can be for Christ, for unbelievers to come to Him, and for believers to grow closer to Him. But just as easily, your influence could be pushing those around you in the opposite direction.  

In some ways, MBU is just like any other Christian University. Our students get an outstanding accredited education from a biblical worldview. But when you come to MBU, we want more for you.  

Go with Purpose

Going with purpose means you’re going with a goal in mind – a goal that’s bigger than yourself. MBU’s goal is to develop leaders for ministry in the local church and the world to the praise of His Glory. As a Christian, part of that mission statement should also be your purpose statement for life. “To the Praise of His Glory.” We go with the purpose of glorifying God with our lives, not matter where that might lead us.  

Serve with Passion

A goal in tandem with glorifying our Savior is becoming more like His Son. Jesus Christ came in humility, as a servant, and we should desire to emulate His attributes of passionate service. At Maranatha, we want you to learn to serve out of love for Jesus and others, not because you must or because it’s expected of you or because that’s what good Christians do. Service done in love is infinitely more satisfying and joy-giving than service done for expectation or even self-reward. 

Lead with Integrity

A minute ago we told you that no matter where you go or what you do, you will be a leader. That’s because there will always be someone watching you and imitating what you do. You can’t live your life without influencing others, so when we ask you what you want your leadership to look like, we are really asking you, “How do you want your life to influence other.” For good or not so good? 

Choosing to lead with integrity means choosing to lead others toward good – toward Christ. This applies to every area of your life including your work, your church, and your home. You can be a leader for Christ in every area, and learning how to effectively lead in every setting can start at MBU.  

Learning to Lead 

Your life up to this point has already set up your leadership skills and style. Many of you may live in a Christian home where these ideas about leading by example and patterning your life after Christ’s are nothing new. Maybe your background is different, but you know that you want the rest of your life to look like Christ would if He were walking in your shoes.  

Whatever the case, when you consider the next step in your life, consider Maranatha as more than just a college.  

Let your college years be about something more than walking across a stage for an expensive piece of paper. Let your education challenge you academically, physically, and spiritually. When you choose MBU, you choose the opportunity to build a life of purposeful and passionate service and leadership.  

Choose to lead well. Choose MBU.