Consequence Levels


The following chart shows levels of corrective actions for the accumulation of demerits.
  • The Discipline Committee will meet as necessary to investigate and determine appropriate penalties for infractions.

Consequence Level

Demerit Total

Corrective Actions

25 Student notified of accumulation

Level I


40 on DP

Student meets with Dean of Students
  • $25 fine.
  • Follow up accountability with Dorm Sup.

Level II


55 on DP

Both on/off-campus students meet with a Dean.
  • $50 fine.
  • Cannot serve as a Residence Assistant, Room Leader, Student Body cabinet member, Society Officer, leader of a registered student group (RSO), or as captain of an athletic team (you will be notified by the Student Life Office).

Level III


70 on DP

Both on/off-campus students meet with a Dean.
  • $75 fine.
  • All of the penalties for Level II
  • Suspended from participation in one athletic game (inter-collegiate and intramurals).
  • Suspended from participation in all plays and Fine Arts performances for the semester.

Level IV


85 on DP

Both on/off-campus students meet with a Dean.
  • $100 fine.
  • All of the penalties for Levels II and III.
  • Suspended from participation in three athletic games (including intramurals).
  • Disciplinary Probation restrictions for the rest of the semester and the following semester.
  • May lose institutional scholarship, (based on terms of scholarship) .
  • Other measures may be added by the Discipline Committee

Level V


100 on DP

  • Subject to suspension or dismissal.
  • Must meet with the Discipline Committee.
  • If allowed to stay, subject to all Level IV consequences for rest of semester and $125 fine.
  • Removal from athletic teams.
  • No intramural participation.
  • Other measures may be added by the Discipline Committee

Disciplinary Probation (DP)

  • A student who accumulates 125 or more demerits in a semester will be subject to Disciplinary Probation for that semester and the subsequent semester.
  • A student who has been asked to withdraw, or has been suspended, or dismissed, will be on Disciplinary Probation when they return.
  • Upon enrollment at Maranatha, a student who has been expelled from another institution will be on Disciplinary Probation for their first semester here.
  • A student on Disciplinary Probation may expect routine meetings with a Dean for accountability and encouragement.

Disciplinary Probation Consequences

A student who has a status of Disciplinary Probation will have the following restrictions:

  • Limited to one EPass per week
  • Required to attend church services in town unless special permission is secured to do otherwise
  • Not eligible for any special awards or recognitions
  • Not eligible for any leadership positions (student activities leadership, student office, sports team captains, or student life leadership)
  • Not eligible for any Maranatha scholarships
  • In addition to the above restrictions, a student currently serving Disciplinary Probation that incurs new infractions that require another Disciplinary Probation status may not participate in any extracurricular activity (athletics, plays)
  • When a student begins a semester on Disciplinary Probation, they are subject to suspension at 100 demerits
  • Any student who ends a semester with 85 or more demerits while on Disciplinary Probation will return under Disciplinary Probation during his or her next semester at Maranatha
  • Any infraction of 50 or more demerits while on Disciplinary Probation may result in Disciplinary Probation for the following semester


This action is for offenses that the University deems egregious. The student would not be eligible to apply for readmission for a period of ten years.

Dismissal Consequences

  • A student who has been dismissed must make arrangements for immediate departure and for removing all personal belongings from the University.
  • The student may be required to be in the company of supervisory personnel until leaving the campus.
  • A dismissed student suffers the loss of the semester in which he or she was dismissed and may not reapply for a period of ten years.
  • A student who has been dismissed must have administrative approval to visit Maranatha’s campus.
  • Re-enrollment is based on significant change and positive growth in the student’s personal and spiritual life.
  • A student readmitted after having been dismissed returns under Disciplinary Probation.
  • All uncompleted classes will receive a failing grade.
  • Institutional scholarships will be forfeited.
  • A dismissed student who desires to re-enroll at Maranatha must follow the procedure for readmission of students.

Suspension Levels

A student may be suspended from Maranatha for:

  • Accumulation of 150 or more demerits in a semester.
  • Accumulation of 100 demerits during a semester while on Disciplinary Probation
  • Suspension can apply in cases where the demerits are accumulated solely or primarily for minor infractions.
  • Commission of one or more Testimony infractions.

Suspension Level 1

The student is allowed to finish the semester under disciplinary probation. All credits earned will be added to his cumulative record. The student will not be allowed to return the following semester and must follow the procedure for readmission of students.

Suspension Level 2

The student is not allowed to finish the semester and must leave campus immediately. All classwork for the semester will be forfeited. The student may be allowed to return the following semester under disciplinary probation and must follow the procedure for readmission of students.

Suspension Level 3

The student is not allowed to finish the semester and must leave campus immediately. All classwork for the semester will be forfeited. The student is required to sit out one additional semester and must follow the procedure for readmission of students. These applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the Admissions Committee.

Suspension Consequences

  • The student’s record will indicate this action as Suspension for Disciplinary Reasons.
  • A student who is readmitted to Maranatha following a suspension returns under Disciplinary Probation.

Also see

What Happens When I Am Suspended

  • During and following my suspension period, I may not return to visit on campus UNLESS I have permission to do so from the Dean of Students. I understand that this means anytime I wish to visit the campus of Maranatha (ballgames, plays, or special activities).
  • During and following my suspension period, Maranatha students will not be permitted to be with me off campus unless I demonstrate a positive attitude toward Maranatha and a good testimony (Please contact the Dean of Students for approval).
  • I must take care of all my financial obligations before I leave. My account must be settled BEFORE I return as a student and before my transcript will be released to any other college.
  • Any decision of the Discipline Committee that results in disciplinary action may be appealed by the student to the Executive Committee.
  • It is my responsibility to make sure that my belongings are removed from campus (within one week from the date of my departure) or that arrangements have been made with the Residence Supervisor for their care. Maranatha accepts no responsibility for any items that are left behind, and such items will be disposed of at the end of the semester.
