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Offered On-Campus

Offered Online

All seminary classes have the option to be taken virtually or online.

GOT 511 – Hebrew Grammar 1 (3)

An introductory course in the Hebrew Old Testament, including the study of word forms, sentence structure and basic vocabulary, with some readings in the Old Testament during the second semester. (3 credit hours each semester)

GOT 512 – Hebrew Grammar 2 (3)

An introductory course in the Hebrew Old Testament, including the study of word forms, sentence structure and basic vocabulary, with some readings in the Old Testament during the second semester. (3 credit hours each semester)

GOT 513 – Hebrew Reading (2)

A study of the Hebrew Old Testament with special attention given to the reading and translation of prose texts. Prerequisite: GOT 511 and GOT 512 Hebrew Grammar or equivalent. (2 credit hours)

GOT 514 – Biblical Theology of Old Testament (3)

A study of the progressive development of special revelation in the Old Testament period with an emphasis on its contribution to the central message of the Bible, its main theological subthemes, and its major continuities and discontinuities with New Testament theology. (3 credit hours)

GOT 525 – Holy Land Tour (3)

Maranatha sponsors a tour of the Holy Land to acquaint the student with the actual geography of Israel. Advanced reading and post-trip writing add to the onsite lectures and the experience of being in Israel. (3 credit hours)

GOT 528 – Exposition of Pentateuch (3)

A survey of the content of the Pentateuch with an emphasis on the historical/cultural setting and its interpretational problems. The course will also introduce the student to the narrative genre and its interpretive requirements. (3 credit hours)

GOT 534 – Exposition of the Major Prophets (3)

A study of the structure and content of the Major Prophets: of Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, with special attention given to the Messianic and prophetic sections. (3 credit hours)

GOT 535 – Exposition of the Minor Prophets (3)

A study of the structure and content of the Minor Prophets, with an emphasis on the prophetic themes of each book. The course will also introduce the student to the prophetic genre and its interpretive requirements. (3 credit hours)

GOT 539 – Exposition of Historical Books (3)

A study of the theology, structure, content, and key issues of interpretation of Joshua–Esther with attention to biblical historical background, connection to the Pentateuch, the progressive revelation of the Old Testament, and preaching and application. (3 hours credit)

GOT 544 – Exposition of Poetic Books (3)

A study of the theology, structure, content, and key issues of interpretation of Job-Song of Solomon with attention given to poetic structure, purpose, role in the life of the believer, and preaching and application. (3 credit hours)

GOT 615 – Methods of Hebrew Exegesis (3)

A study of the use of Hebrew for exegesis, including the study of syntax, structure analysis, textual criticism, word studies, and practical and homiletical uses. Students will also do selected translations. Prerequisite: GOT 511 and GOT 512 Hebrew Grammar or equivalent (3 credit hours)

GOT 701 – Aramaic (2)

An introduction to the Aramaic language and its relationship to the Hebrew alphabet, grammatical structure, terminology, and vocabulary. All Aramaic passages in the Old Testament will be translated. Prerequisite: Hebrew Syntax (2 credit hours)

GOT 780 – New Testament Seminar (3)

Old Testament topics of practical and theological significance are examined and investigated. Students are encouraged to select topics of interest to them for inclusion in this course. (3 credit hours)