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The Humanities Department of Maranatha Baptist University is designed to challenge you, both in school and beyond, to pursue Christ and culture. Our desire is to see you engage with your culture, activate critical thinking, and exercise your voice for truth.

The degree programs in the Department of Humanities include English, Humanities, Digital Media, and Communication Arts. Each program presents its strengths in a different facet of our culture and provides numerous opportunities for you to gain hands-on experience as you study.


In each of these programs, you will explore what it means to be a human made in the image of God. You’ll develop strong skills in communication—including writing, research, and speech. And you’ll develop qualities that top employers are looking for, such as critical thinking, the ability to adapt quickly in a changing world, and a sense of ethical responsibility.

One advantage of the humanities programs is their flexibility. You will have numerous options for electives and open credit hours in your degree, allowing you to tailor your degree program to fit your goals and the calling God has placed on your heart.

If your goal is graduate school, you’ll be thoroughly prepared for that, as well.


  • Ms. Mary Barclay
  • Mrs. Rebecca Brock
  • Mrs. Nikki Chodan
  • Mrs. Leslie Collier
  • Mrs. Tracy Hsieh
  • Mr. Fred Heppding
  • Mr. Nathan Huffstutler
  • Dr. Daniel Hurst
  • Dr. Luanne Hurst
  • Dr. Bruce Jackson
  • Mr. Jerry Kolwinska
  • Mrs. Mary Ann Lumm
  • Mr. David Madsen
  • Mrs. Hannah Mayes
  • Mrs. Jennifer Meinhardt
  • Mr. Timothy Mielke
  • Mr. David Muse
  • Dr. Jared Tracy
  • Mrs. Amanda Warren
  • Mrs. Claudene Wooten
  • Mr. B. Mark Zockoll
  • Mr. Michael Zwolanek

Internships and Capstone Experiences

Each of our Humanities programs will prepare you for a vocational internship or a capstone experience during your senior year. You will either complete an internship in a vocational field of your choice, such as business, publishing, photography, drama, or art, or you will complete a capstone project such as overseeing a campus play, creating a photography exhibit, presenting research on a current issue, or presenting a graduate-level scholarly project.


These experiences will prepare you to apply your studies as you set out into the life God has for you. Ultimately, they will help you become a lifelong learner as you seek to make a difference in the world and speak the truth with excellence for God’s glory.



Maranatha Baptist University’s College of Arts and Sciences encompasses a larger number of departments, including the Humanities, Music, and Science departments, than any of the other colleges. With a large number of majors and minors provided in each of these departments, the College of Arts and Sciences offers a vast array of opportunities for students to train for the workplace and the world.

MBU Program Faculty

Mrs. Angela Morris

College of Arts and Sciences | Chair of the Department of Humanities, Professor
MS Communication, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
BS Speech Education, Maranatha Baptist University
CELTA Certification, Cambridge

Tim Mielke

College of Arts and Sciences | Associate Professor


MFA Photography, Academy of Art University

MA Multimedia Communications, Academy of Art University

BS Bible, Pillsbury Baptist Bible College

Nathan Huffstutler

College of Arts and Sciences | Associate Professor


MA English, Bob Jones University

BA English, Bob Jones University

Stephen Robertson

College of Arts and Sciences | Associate Professor


MA Theatre Arts, Eastern Michigan University

BA English, Tennessee Temple University