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Graduate Certificates
Maranatha Baptist University offers graduate certificate programs in a wide variety of specialties. They’re the perfect way to broaden the scope of your career, grow your expertise, and improve your credentials without the commitment of enrolling in a master’s degree program.
The 18 credit graduate certificate programs in English, History, Mathematics and Special Education are available 100% online and designed for graduate students who desire advanced training, but who are not seeking a master’s degree at this time. Credits successfully earned with a certificate program can be transferred toward the Master of Education in Teaching and Learning.
Organizational Leadership
Strengthen your leadership abilities and increase your knowledge of business dynamics in organizations of all sizes. Complete this 18 credit certificate program in Organizational Leadership. All content is taught from a biblical worldview and covers subjects such as budgetary and financial management, communication, and organizational change.
Nonprofit Administration
The Nonprofit Administration graduate certificate program is just 15 credits (5 courses) and focuses on topics unique to nonprofit organizations: legal matters, fundraising, volunteerism, financial management.
Graduate certificates are granted upon program completion.
- HUEN 510: American Romanticism
- HUEN 520: C.S. Lewis
- HUEN 530: Literary Theory & Criticism
- HUEN 540: Advanced Grammar & Composition
- HUEN 550: Emily Dickinson & Robert Frost
- HUEN 560: British & American Short Fiction
- HUEN 570: British & American Metaphysical Poetry
- ASMA 510: History of Mathematics
- ASMA 520: Fundamentals of Higher Algebra & Number Theory
- ASMA 530: Coding Theory & Cryptography
- ASMA 540: Foundations of Analysis
- ASMA 550: Optimization
- ASMA 560: Introduction to Topology
Advising Note: Applicants to the mathematics graduate program should have completed the following at the undergraduate level:
- A full Calculus sequence
- Linear Algebra
- One proof based course (Analysis, Topology, Number Theory, Abstract Algebra, etc.)
Organizational Leadership
Required Courses (12 credits)
- MOL 505: Theological & Historical Foundations of Org. Leadership
- MOL 510: Theories & Models of Leadership
- MOL 515: Organizational Behavior
- MOL 520: Organizational Communication
Electives (Choose 2 courses)
- MOL 530: Strategic Leadership & Organizational Change (3 credits)
- MOL 540: Strategic Human Resources Management (3 credits)
- MOL 550: Budgetary and Financial Management (3 credits)
- MOL 560: Organizational Ethics and Governance (3 credits)
- MOL 575: Operations and Project Management (3 credits)
TOTAL: 18 credits
- HUHI 510: Historiography
- HUHI 530: The Birthright of the Reformation
- HUHI 540: The Cataclysm of the Union: The American Civil War
- HUHI 550: World War II Military History
- HUHI 560: Cold War America
- HUHI 570: Early America: From Colonies to a Country
- HUHI 580: American Involvement in the Middle East
Special Education
- EDSP 510: Inclusive Classroom Strategies for Exceptional Students
- EDUC 525: Classroom Management & Positive Behavior Practices
- EDSP 530: Reading Diagnosis & Assessment
- EDSP 540: Educational Diagnosis & Assessment
- EDSP 550: Collaboration, Communication & Transition
- EDSP 560: Methods in Cross-Categorical Education
Nonprofit Administration
- MNPA 510: Nonprofit Organizations
- MNPA 520: Volunteerism in Nonprofit Management
- MNPA 530: Nonprofit Financial Management
- MNPA 540: Grant Writing and Fundraising in Nonprofit Organizations
- MNPA 550: Law & Nonprofit Management
The English, History and Mathematics certificate programs are also intended for those individuals who already have a master’s degree and need 18 credit hours of graduate coursework to meet credential requirements for teaching undergraduate college courses and dual-credit courses in MBU’s Advance to College program.
Pricing details
Our pricing makes the program feasible and affordable. The Teaching & Leading Scholarship is available for those employed in full-time Christian vocational ministry. Completion of a master’s degree and 18 graduate credit hours of coursework qualifies individuals to teach at the college-level and in dual-credit programs like Advance to College.
A Closer look at Special Education
Do you have a passion for teaching students? A special education certificate or degree program will provide educators with the opportunity to make a difference in the life of a special needs child.
- If you are an educator looking to expand your areas of teaching expertise, the Special Education graduate certificate program is perfect for you. This 19-21 credit certificate is fully online and designed for those who already hold a Wisconsin teaching license.
- A Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education from MBU will prepare you to teach students with mild to moderate disabilities.
- Students enrolled in the Master of Education in Teaching and Learning can complete a special education concentration by choosing four graduate special education courses.
- Pairing the special education minor with an early childhood, elementary or secondary education degree increases graduate teaching opportunities.

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