Offered On-Campus
Offered Online
What is Title IX?
Title IX is a federal civil rights law passed as part of the Education Amendments of 1972 which states:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
Over the years, Title IX has been expanded to include protections for college students against sexual harassment and sexual violence. The information on these pages is designed to inform you of your rights under the law and how MBU has implemented these protections for its students.
Ask for Help
If you would like to talk to someone about an incident that happened to you or another student, there are several options for you. But it is important that you understand the difference between confidential listeners and mandatory reporters. Both types of resources will help you when facing the aftermath of experiencing or witnessing an incident of sexual misconduct. We love you and we are here to help you achieve the best possible outcome.
- Counseling Services (trained Christian counselors available to you)
- Emily Haynes, 920-206-2334
- Rob Fuller, 920-206-2333
- Renee Westphall, 920-342-3252
- Health Services
- MBU Student Health Center, 920-206-2384
- Watertown Regional Medical Center, 920-261-4210
- ProHealth Oconomowoc Memorial Hospital, 262-569-9400
- Aurora Medical Center Summit, 262-434-1000
- Pastoral Support (MBU partnering churches)
Mandatory Reporters
All MBU faculty and staff are mandatory reporters for MBU. They are required to report all incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator. Your situation will still remain confidential. But you should understand that all MBU employees are required to notify the Title IX Coordinator so that your rights can be protected. Personnel with Title IX roles are specially trained in victim advocacy and fair treatment.
Title IX Personnel
- Charles Plummer, HR Director, Title IX Coordinator, 920-206-2304
- Timothy Johns, Lead Title IX Investigator, 920-206-2399
Additional Protections
Title IX is a powerful tool to protect college students from unwanted sexual attention, harassment, and assault. But it is not the only protection available at Maranatha. The Biblical values that govern our actions and expectations provide the strongest motivation to treat every individual with the respect and dignity they deserve. The following additional protections may be relevant to incidents and interactions in this area:
In addition to the specific rights and resources discussed above, the MBU Student Life Office exists to support students in times of crisis and need. From the Deans, Dorm Supervisors, and other Student Life personnel are dedicated to being there for you should you find yourself in need of help. If you’re not sure where to turn, you can trust the Student Life Office to compassionately help you work through your options and support you through this trying time in your life. Every student should be safe to learn and achieve, and no student should ever be victimized by sexual harassment or assault. Every student has the right to equal access to education, and these policies provide new and meaningful protections for survivors of sexual harassment and assault while balancing the scales of justice on campus.