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Commencement | May 8 – 9 , 2025


Schedule of Events

THURSDAY 8:30 a.m. Nurses Pinning Ceremony Gymnasium
THURSDAY 10:30 a.m. Graduate Candidate Chapel Gymnasium
THURSDAY 12:00 noon Graduate Candidate Luncheon Dining Complex
THURSDAY 7:00 p.m. Baccalaureate Gymnasium
FRIDAY 10:00 a.m. Convocation Gymnasium
FRIDAY 12:00 noon Lunch Dining Complex


No tickets are required for Baccalaureate. Tickets are required for Convocation main floor seating for family members, and must be reserved by March 15 here. Open seating will be available in the bleachers for both services.

Nursery is provided for Baccalaureate and Commencement. Children under 5 years old will not be permitted in either service.

MBU Commencement is a formal academic ceremony, conducted with dignity. Proper attire and respectful behavior are expected.


Choose a timeless reminder of your years at Maranatha. Available in men’s and women’s sizes.
Order before May 22. Inside engraving available.

Choose a timeless reminder of your years at Maranatha. Available in men’s and women’s sizes. Order before May 22. Inside engraving available.

Former Maranatha student athletes are eligible to purchase.
Email to access the ordering portal.

Alumni: Purchase a ring personalized with your graduation year.
Alumni orders open until May 23!



10:30 a.m. – Graduate Chapel | Gymnasium
12:00 noon – Graduate Candidate Luncheon | Dining Complex
1:30 p.m. –  Graduation Rehearsal | Gymnasium
3:00 p.m. - Online Distance Learning Reception | Dining Complex 202
6:00-6:30 p.m. – Dress check for Main Campus Students | DC 202
6:30 p.m. – Roll call for all graduates – regalia required | Dining Complex
7:00 p.m. – Baccalaureate | Gymnasium

8:30 a.m. – Graduate Photos | Front steps of Old Main
9:00-9:30 a.m. – Dress check for Main Campus Students | DC 202
9:30 a.m. – Roll Call for all graduates – regalia required | Dining Complex
10:00 a.m. – Convocation | Gymnasium
Main Campus graduates who are marching for Convocation are expected to attend all of these events.

Online graduates who are marching for Convocation (Friday) but are not be able to attend Rehearsal or Baccalaureate (Thursday) should contact the Academic Office,


  • Tickets are not required for seating at Baccalaureate on Thursday evening. Tickets are required for Main Floor seating at Convocation on Friday morning.
  • Graduates must request reserved-seating tickets for their guests by submitting the Convocation Ticket Request Form between January 15 and March 15.
  • Each graduate is guaranteed up to three (3) tickets. Additional tickets may be requested but are not guaranteed.
  • Open seating is available on the bleachers (no ticket required).
  • One VIP parking permit is provided with each graduate’s tickets. The parking permit cannot be replaced.
  • Tickets and parking passes will be distributed in graduate packets at rehearsal.


All candidates are required to wear approved academic regalia to participate in the commencement exercises.
  • Regalia is worn for the Baccalaureate service without honor cords or hoods.
  • Full regalia is worn for Convocation, including honor cords and hoods.
    • Mortar boards should be worn flat on top of the head, not off the back. Decorating of caps is not permitted.
    • Students may borrow regalia from a recent graduate, as long as it matches the regalia shown on the order form.
    • Only Maranatha-issued items may be worn over graduation regalia (ie, honor cords, stoles/sashes, medals),
  • Graduate candidates will receive an email with links and deadline to order regalia and invitations.
  • Contact with questions about regalia.
Degree Regalia to order
MBBI Bachelor degree regalia (gown, cap, tassel)
Associate Degree Bachelor degree regalia (gown, cap, tassel)
Bachelor Degree Bachelor degree regalia (gown, cap, tassel)
Dual Bachelor and Master Degree Master degree regalia (gown, cap, tassel, hood)
Master Degree Master degree regalia (gown, cap, tassel, hood)
Doctoral Degree Doctoral degree regalia (gown, cap, tassel, hood)


Attire for Graduate Candidate Chapel, Lunch, and Rehearsal

  • Women: modest dresses, skirts/tops, loose-fitting dress pants or pants that are similar to khakis. (See Women's Class Dress in Student Life Handbook)
  • Men: casual slacks and khakis, collared shirts i.e., polo or dress shirts. (See Men's Class Dress in Student Life Handbook)

Attire for Baccalaureate and Convocation

  • Graduates must wear appropriate academic regalia (regalia is not provided)
  • To enhance the solemnity of Commencement events, only Maranatha-issued items may be worn over graduation regalia (honor cords, stoles/sashes, medals)
  • Honor cords and master's/doctoral hoods are not worn for Baccalaureate
  • Mortarboard should be worn flat on top of the head, not off the back


  • Modest dress or skirt/top (must meet the MBU dress requirement for Church Dress and general clothing requirements as listed in the Student Life Handbook)
  • Dresses/skirts must come to the top of the knee, with a slit no higher than the top of the knee
  • Dresses/skirts cannot hang below the graduation gown
  • Neutral-colored (black, brown, grey, nude, etc.) dressy shoes (no backless slides, no white soles)
  • Purses, cameras, cell phones may not be carried
  • Main Campus students must have their dresses and shoes checked by their dorm supervisor or Student Life Office two weeks prior to graduation


  • Dress pants (black, dark blue, grey)
  • Dress socks (crew length, plain dark color)
  • Dress shoes (brown or black, no white soles)
  • Long-sleeved white dress shirt
  • Tie (regular length, no bolo ties or bow ties)
  • Military dress is acceptable for those in the military
  • Haircut and facial hair must meet MBU standards (see Hair & Grooming in Student Life Handbook)

Main Campus graduates must pass dress check prior to Baccalaureate and Convocation.


Academic honors are given to graduating seniors based upon their cumulative grade point average. Students receiving such honors are identified by honor cords.

  • Associate degree with honors (3.50-4.00), white cord
  • Cum Laude (3.50-3.74), blue/blue cord
  • Magna Cum Laude (3.75-3.90), blue/gold cord
  • Summa Cum Laude (3.91-4.00), gold/gold cord

The academic honors recognized at graduation will be based on the student’s cumulative GPA for all completed courses as of April 1 in the academic year during which the student graduates, including highest and second highest GPA, and commencement honors.


Diplomas and one official transcript will be mailed to degree candidates approximately 6-8 weeks after all the requirements for the degree are completed and final grades are submitted.

Degree candidates will receive an empty diploma cover when crossing the stage at Convocation. Diploma covers are available upon request from the Registrar’s Office for graduates who will not be in attendance at Commencement.


How many tickets can I receive?

  • Tickets are not required for Baccalaureate.
  • Each graduate is guaranteed up to three (3) tickets for Convocation. Additional tickets may be requested but are not guaranteed.
  • Plenty of open seating (no ticket required) is available in the bleachers.

When will I receive my diploma?

  • Students participating in the Commencement ceremony will receive a diploma cover.
  • Diplomas will be ordered and mailed after all academic requirements have been satisfied and any outstanding account balance has been paid in full.

Resources for Travelers

Campus Guest Suites & Area Hotels