MyMaranatha Announcement Policy
MBU maintains various systems and processes for effectively disseminating important information to the Maranatha community. Just as mass-email, emergency text alerts, and social media posts on MBU accounts are governed by specific policies for appropriate use by authorized individuals, announcements on MyMaranatha are limited by policy in order to provide a reliable and consistent channel for specific types of information.
Any department or individual may submit an announcement for consideration. All submissions, however, are carefully reviewed for substance and form and must be approved by the Executive Office before they are posted for public review.
MyMaranatha announcements may only be posted by authorized individuals in the Executive Office. Every effort will be made to give timely and efficient consideration to submissions. The Academic Affairs office may post time-sensitive faculty absences and classroom adjustments that occur before working hours. This is the only recognized exception.
Priority consideration for posting is given to submissions by officially recognized faculty/staff units and registered student groups. Please keep in mind, MyMaranatha announcements are publicly viewable even to individuals who are not logged in. As such, the venue is not appropriate for sharing personal information or matters of a more private nature. Upon consideration in the sole discretion of the Executive Office, submissions may be approved and posted, modified for substance or form, directed to another format or venue for dissemination, or rejected as inappropriate.
Emergency announcements should be referred to the Dean of Students for immediate use of the RAVE alert system.
Announcements on MyMaranatha