Offered On-Campus
Offered Online
Academic Success Center
The Academic Success Center exists to help Maranatha students succeed! The mission of the Academic Success Center is to promote academic success for all students, to enhance student performance, and to increase student retention. We help students to become better learners. The Academic Success Center offers 1-on-1 tutoring, supplemental instruction, study groups, academic coaching, and study skills seminars. Learn more about the Academic Success Center.
Some people want to cut out letters and pictures for their classroom. They want to be able to keep and use them for a long time. Others have a sheet of paper they want to be able to write on and wipe clean to use again! And yet others want to hang a poster in an area they know will get it wet or dirty. Come to the Cedarholm Library to have your paper or crafts laminated. Check out lamination considerations and costs below.
We can’t laminate foam pieces or foam board. We can laminate back-to-back pages if they’re glued or taped together. Laminate construction paper before attempting to cut it. We can laminate poster board but the edges won’t adhere well If building several layers, with smaller layers on top of larger ones, have the layers individually laminated before putting them together. Dried nature projects, like leaves, do not laminate well. While the librarian may be willing to try it, we don’t recommend doing it. Talk with the librarian before starting your project. We’re happy to help!
Thickness | Use | Cost |
3 Mil | 8.5″ x 11″ Paper which you want protected but flexible | $0.50/page |
5 Mil | 8.5″ x 11″paper which you want protected and relatively inflexible | $0.75/page |
Roll | Paper or pieces of paper up to 2 feet wide that you want protected but flexible | $0.75/foot |
Study Rooms
If you need an extra quiet place to study or tutor someone, consider reserving a study room. We have two study rooms in the library available for patron use. You can stop in to one of the rooms and use it or you can reserve the room in advance. In order to reserve a study room, just contact the library with your name and the time you’d like to reserve. In addition to the two study rooms, we have two computer labs in the library in which you can study. A number of classes use CL202 during the day, but at night it’s usually available. We use CL206 mainly as a student computer lab. CL206 – the Library Computer Lab (LCL) CL202 – the Library Class Room (LCR)
Book Sales
As the Cedarholm Library gets new materials, we sometimes sell our surplus books and other materials to our patrons. You can find the books available for sale in the periodicals section on the main floor of the library. The library typically sells materials such as hardcover books, paperback books, CDs and DVDs, pamphlets, cassettes, LP recordings, and videos. Check out the sale prices to the right. We accept cash, check, or CashNet payments.
Types of Media
Type of Media | Cost |
Hardcover book | $1.00 |
Paperback book | $0.50 |
CDs/DVDs | $1.00 |
Pamplet | $0.10 |
Individual Cassette | $0.50 |
Cassette Sets | $1.00 |
LP Recordings | $0.50 |
Videos | $1.00 |
ID Cards
The library provides ID cards services to the MBU campus. Student ID cards grant the student access to their dorm, function as the meal ticket for the Dining Complex, record attendance for required events, serve as a library card, and allow access to sporting events.
The first ID card is included in the student’s bill. There is a 30-day replacement period if the card does not function properly. Subsequent MBU replacement ID cards can be obtained for $15.00. Subsequent MBA replacement ID cards can be obtained for $10.00.
To meet Wisconsin voter photo ID requirements, MBU provides a free voter ID card upon request for out-of-state students. It is valid for two years from the date of issue and is intended to only be used for voting purposes as it is not a replacement or substitute for the standard ID card. Wisconsin residents can use their State Driver’s license.
Guests from the community may request a guest account to grant access to check out materials. A guest library account with a card costs $20.00 per year and may be purchased directly in the library via cash or check.
Computers, Printer, Copiers, Scanners
- Computers– We have computers available in the library for use by students, faculty, staff, and guests. Students can log on to any computer in the library. Guests can talk with library staff and get a guest account to use our guest computers. While the overwhelming majority of our computers are Windows-based, we also have several Macs. In addition to the more basic programs, a number of our computers have software to assist you with Bible study (BibleWorks), music (Finale), biblical counseling, and a broad range of creative digital projects (Adobe Creative Suite).
- Printers – The library has a number of printers that print both black and white and color. Students, faculty, and staff can all print to these printers using their Maranatha credentials from a University-owned computer or their own device.
- Copiers – The library has a few stand-alone copy machines. You can copy from these at a cost of $0.10 per page. These machines accept only cash.
- Scanners – Some of the printers in the library are also able to scan documents and send them to e-mail or a portable USB drive.