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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Advanced Pianists

Scholarships | Cash Awards | Showcase Performance | Special Ratings


January 31-February 1, 2025

Registration opens in October.

Dorm space is completely full. Please register as a commuter.

Great Lakes Music Festival can be described as a musically-enriching weekend of concentrated music-making with instrumental, vocal, and piano enthusiasts grades 8-12. Experience the thrill of performing in a choir of both high school and university students while also participating in a focused track: band, string orchestra, piano, men’s chorus, or ladies’ chorus/tone chimes. You will not want to miss out on this amazing musical experience!


Friday – Saturday

Jan. 31- Feb. 1, 2025


Heaven and Nature Sing

Closing Concert

Saturday, Feb. 1, 1:30 PM

MBU gymnasium

Free admission

Concert Livestream

  • Please register using the online registration form at the button above. Upon completion of the registration, you will be directed to a payment page.
    • School groups paying together – please e-mail  for procedures to register your group at one time.
  • Registrations will be processed after the payment is received. At that time, you will be given a password to the music page so you can download and start rehearsing.
  • To enable us to be as prepared as possible for the festival, participants should register no later than January 8. Participants may still register after January 8, but the fee increases $15 and roommate requests in dorms will not be honored.
  • Questions? please call Miss Allie Morken in the Music Department at 920-206-2350.

Participants who stay in the dorms pay $60 if registering by January 8 ($75 after January 8), which includes the festival instruction, Friday supper, Saturday breakfast, Saturday lunch, Friday night lodging, and use of music.

  • Commuters pay $45 ($60 after January 8) which includes the festival instruction, Friday supper, Saturday lunch, and use of music.
  • We ask school groups to submit a check for 50% down by January 8 in order to receive the early-bird rate. This payment is transferable, but non-refundable.
  • Sponsors should register and may participate for free. Any sponsor/bus driver bringing GL participants gets 2 free meal tickets. Additional meal tickets may be purchased at the Dining Complex. 
  • Refunds will only be given for cancelations if a written request is received by January 8. A $15 administrative fee will be subtracted from the refund amount.
  • Clothing: Participants may wear casual clothing for classes and rehearsals (pants are allowed for men and women). Saturday concert attire is
    • men: dress pants, collared dress shirt, and tie
    • ladies: dress or top/skirt knee-length or longer
  • Dorms: Bring bedding and towels.
  • Money: Bring money to purchase items from Maranatha’s Campus Store and Old Main Cafe.
  • Instruments: Each participant bringing an instrument must clearly label the cases with  name, address, and phone number.
  • The festival begins with check-in on Friday, January 31, from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m.
  • The festival concludes with a full concert on Saturday, February 1, from 1:30-3:00. The concert is free and open to the public, so be sure to invite family and friends!
  • See button above for full schedule.

Dorm space is limited. Therefore, please do not delay in your registering.

  • Only students are allowed to stay in the dorms.
  • Most dorm rooms accommodate only one guest, but we make a significant effort to house church and school groups together in the same dorm, and hopefully the same hallway.
  • Roommate requests and changes in dorms made after the January 8 early-bird date will not be honored.
  • Limited on-campus housing is available for sponsors. Otherwise, sponsors, teachers and parents are asked to find accommodations off campus.



General Summary: The Band Track provide instrumentalists the opportunity to play in a large ensemble alongside members of the MBU Symphonic Band. Come enjoy making music together.

Benefits of Participating: Students who have never played in a band, as well as those who are accustomed to large ensemble playing, will learn skills such as following the conductor, listening to other sections, and tuning a large group.

Synopsis of Rehearsal Time: We rehearse a variety of musical styles, focusing on skills necessary for ensemble playing. The orchestra also rehearses in sectionals.

Level of Participants: Band players should be at the intermediate level. Percussionists at any level are welcome to join the band.

Preparation Advice: Learn the notes and rhythms ahead of time, and listen to the pieces online if possible. This will make rehearsals go more smoothly, and we will be able to spend more time polishing the pieces with the entire ensemble.


General Summary: The String Orchestra Track provide instrumentalists the opportunity to play in a large ensemble alongside members of the MBU Symphony Orchestra. Come enjoy making music together.

Benefits of Participating: Students who have never played in a band or orchestra, as well as those who are accustomed to large ensemble playing, will learn skills such as following the conductor, listening to other sections, and tuning a large group.

Synopsis of Rehearsal Time: We rehearse a variety of musical styles, focusing on skills necessary for ensemble playing. The orchestra also rehearses in sectionals.

Level of Participants: String players should be at a minimum level of Suzuki book 3 or equivalent.

Preparation Advice: Learn the notes and rhythms ahead of time, and listen to the pieces online if possible. This will make rehearsals go more smoothly, and we will be able to spend more time polishing the pieces with the entire ensemble.


General Summary: The Men’s Chorus Track provide all Great Lakes participants the opportunity to sing alongside MBU choir members. Plus, join the 150+ voice festival choir in making music together.

Benefits of Participating: Students with limited or no music reading skills will learn skills that will help them improve and feel more confident. We work specifically on proper breathing, pronunciation, facial expression, and other basic vocal techniques.

Synopsis of Rehearsal Time: We do vocal warmups and then rehearse accompanied and acapella selections. 

Level of Participants: Singers of all levels will be comfortable in this track.

Preparation Advice: Learn the notes and rhythms ahead of time, and listen to the pieces online if possible. This will make rehearsals go more smoothly, and we will be able to spend more time on vocal technique and polishing the pieces.


General Summary: The Ladies’ Chorus Tracks provide all Great Lakes participants the opportunity to sing alongside MBU choir members. Also, join the 150+ voice festival choir in making music together.

Benefits of Participating: Students with limited or no music reading skills will learn skills that will help them improve and feel more confident. We work specifically on proper breathing, pronunciation, facial expression, and other basic vocal techniques.

Synopsis of Rehearsal Time: We do vocal warmups and then rehearse accompanied and acapella selections. The Ladies’ Chorus also performs tone chime literature.

Level of Participants: Singers of all levels will be comfortable in this track.

Preparation Advice: Learn the notes and rhythms ahead of time, and listen to the pieces online if possible. This will make rehearsals go more smoothly, and we will be able to spend more time on vocal technique and polishing the pieces.


General Summary: The Piano Track allows pianists to experience the joy of making music together! In addition to several ensemble rehearsals, we have educational and church music classes. For ensemble information, piano track schedule, and classes being offered, please see our piano track page.

Benefits of Participating: Students who have never played in a group as well as those who are accustomed to large ensemble playing will learn skills such as listening and responding to other parts, communicating musical nuances, and cueing other players.

Synopsis of Rehearsal Time: We rehearse with the entire ensemble, breaking the music into sections and focusing on the skills necessary for ensemble playing and on learning efficient practicing strategies.

Level of Participants: Pianists should be at or above the intermediate level.

Preparation Advice: To have the most enjoyable experience, carefully learn your assigned ensemble part. If time, please also learn the other parts of the ensemble, and listen to the piece online if available. When students arrive with their parts learned, more time can be spent on musical details.