Overview | Bible
The in-depth academic study of God’s Word proves valuable to any Christian who wants to know more about the Bible or who seeks to serve in a local church. The Bachelor of Science in Bible equips students with a broad knowledge of the Bible, Christian applications, and specific tools for digging deeply into God’s Word.
This major is offered completely online and allows adult learners the flexibility of completing the program away from campus.
Program Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate mastery of the message of the Bible by explaining connections between individual elements, their context, and the cohesive whole.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to explain the Baptist distinctives in the context of Baptist history.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to articulate biblical doctrine in a systematic fashion.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate biblical truth effectively.
Key Courses
- Modern Creationary Thought (BIBC 223)
- Introduction to Philosophy (BIPH 330)
- Apologetics (BIPH 433)
- Fundamentalism (BIPA 472)
- Bible Captstone Portfolio (BIBI 475)
Online Course Catalog
Alumni Spotlight
Related Majors
Biblical Counseling
Biblical Languages
Biblical Studies
Program Requirements
Bible Major (61 credits)
Liberal Arts Core (31 credits)
Concentration/Minor (18 credits)
Open Electives (18 credits)
Minimum Credits Required: 128
Potential Career Fields
Assistant Pastor
Youth Pastor
Biblical Counselor
Sunday School teacher
Children’s Church teacher
Christian camp staff
*Some careers and employment positions require graduate degrees,
specialized training, or additional certification and licenses.
MBU Program Faculty

Bryan Brock
College of Bible and Church Ministries | Associate Professor
DMin, The Master’s Seminary
MDiv, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
BA Biblical Studies, Maranatha Baptist University

David Saxon
College of Bible and Church Ministries | Professor
PhD Church History, Bob Jones University
MA Church History, Bob Jones University
BS Mathematics, Bob Jones University

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