Overview | Church Ministries:
Missions (Men)
Maranatha’s Missions program employs a Bible curriculum that emphasizes core doctrines and biblical literacy and also prepares the student to handle competing philosophies, current trends, and cross-cultural issues. In response to challenges from urbanization, technology, pluralism, and restricted access countries, this program will stabilize you with a biblical understanding of worldviews and includes a supplemental linguistics curriculum. A cross-cultural studies minor can be combined with a major such as business or education to allow you to minister effectively overseas as a teacher or business person.
Program Outcomes
- Students will demonstrate the ability to apply a biblical philosophy of missions in a cross-cultural setting.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to respond to the dynamics of culture from a biblical worldview.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to identify and describe best practices related to church ministry in general and in a cross-cultural context.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to explain the Baptist distinctives in the context of Baptist history.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to articulate biblical doctrine in a systematic fashion.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to communicate and apply biblical truth accurately and effectively in preaching and writing.
- Students will demonstrate servant leadership behaviors in ministry settings.
Suggested Course Schedule
Semester 1
Old Testament Survey (3)
Theology of Missions (2)
English Composition 1 (3)
The Modern World (3)
Introduction to Sociology (3)
Math or Science Elective (3)
Total Credits: 17
Semester 2
New Testament Survey (3)
Fundamentals of Public Speaking (2)
English Composition 2 (3)
American Studies Elective (2)
Theology of Missions (2)
Math or Science Elective (3)
Music Elective (2)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 1
Christian Life, Leadership, and Evangelism (3)
Greek Grammar 1 (4)
History of Christianity (3)
Introduction to Biblical Counseling (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 2
Baptist Heritage (3)
Greek Grammar 2 (4)
Biblical Interpretation (3)
Counseling Problems and Procedures (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 1
Theology 1 (3)
Greek Syntax 1 (3)
Homiletics (2)
Introduction to Philosophy (2)
World Religions (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 2
Theology 2 (3)
Greek Syntax 2 (3)
Homiletics Practicum (2)
Acts (3)
Missions Internship (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 17
Semester 1
Theology 4 (2)
Dispensationalism (3)
Fundamentalism (3)
Ethics (2)
Cultural Anthropology (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 2
Theology 3 (2)
Apologetics (2)
Cross-Cultural Communication (3)
Linguistics (3)
Literature Elective (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Related Majors
Biblical Counseling
Biblical Studies
Related Minors
Cross-Cultural Studies
Potential Career Fields
Assistant pastor
Youth pastor
Camping ministry
Christian ministry director
Inner-city ministry
*Some careers and employment positions require graduate degrees,
specialized training, or addtional certification and licenses.
MBU Program Faculty

Steven K. Love
College of Bible and Church Ministries | Associate Professor
DMin, Luther Rice University
MMin, Baptist Bible Seminary
BS Secondary Education, Maranatha Baptist University

Larry Oats
Seminary | Professor
PhD Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
ThM, Maranatha Baptist University
MDiv, Maranatha Baptist University
MA Bible, Maranatha Baptist University
BA Pastoral Studies, Maranatha Baptist University

Bryan Brock
College of Bible and Church Ministries | Professor
DMin Expository Preaching, The Master’s Seminary
MDiv, Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
BA Pastoral Studies, Maranatha Baptist University

Marty S. Marriott
College of Bible and Church Ministries | Chancellor
DD, Maranatha Baptist University
MDiv, Temple Baptist Theological Seminary
MA Biblical Studies and Languages, Maranatha Baptist University
BS Business Management, Liberty University
BA Pastoral Studies, Maranatha Baptist University

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