Overview | Mathematics
The goal of a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics degree is to provide undergraduate students with a strong foundation in a variety of mathematics topics that prepares students to be leaders in their subsequent careers or academic endeavors. Broadly speaking, this means we want our students equipped to:
- Find employment that uses their mathematical knowledge and skill,
- Use their mathematical knowledge to solve problems, and
- Further engage in mathematical studies.
To that end, the program outcomes for the mathematics major are the following:
Program Outcomes
- Students will be able to analyze problems and construct appropriate and useful mathematical models in a variety of math areas including algebra, geometry, calculus, and probability and statistics.
- Students will be able to generalize their mathematical knowledge to solve unfamiliar problems.
- Students will be able to critically read mathematics.
- Students will be able to construct rigorous and well-written proof, demonstrating comprehension of formal mathematical ideas, the ability to recognize and verify hypotheses, and the ability to form logical and correct conclusion.
- Students will demonstrate sufficient preparation for courses in real and complex analysis, algebra, topology, and statistics at the graduate level.
Suggested Course Schedule
Semester 1
Probability & Statistics* (3)
Fund. of Public Speaking (2)
Old Testament Survey (3)
English Composition 1 (3)
Minor (3)
Music Elective (2)
Total Credits: 16
*Pre-Calculus should be taken here if a student needs it to get into Calculus 1, but will count towards their major or math/open electives.
Semester 2
Calculus 1 (5)
New Testament Survey (3)
English Composition 2 (3)
The Modern World (3)
American Studies Elective (3)
Total Credits: 17
Semester 1
Calculus 2 (5)
Foundations of Math (2)
Christian Life, Leadership, and Evangelism (3)
Introduction to Programming (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 2
Calculus 3 (3)
Number Theory (2)
Baptist Heritage (3)
Life Science Elective (3)
Minor (3)
Literature Elective (3)
Total Credits: 17
Semester 1
Math Seminar (1)
Differential Equations (3)
Statistics 2 (2)
General Physics 1 (4)
Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 2
Linear Algebra (3)
General Physics 2 (4)
Bible Doctrine 1 or 2 (3)
Humanities Elective (3)
Minor (3)
Total Credits: 16
Semester 1
Abstract Algebra (3)
Advanced Geometry (3)
Modern Creationary Thought* (3)
Humanities Elective (3)
Math Elective (3)
Total Credits: 15
*Biblical Studies Core Electives reduced to 3 credits with an additional requirement of Modern Creationary Thought.
Semester 2
Math Capstone (3)
Foundations of Analysis (3)
Bible Elective (3)
Minor Elective (3)
Open Elective (3)
Total Credits: 15
Related Majors
Pre-Physical Therapy
Pre-Physician Assistant
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Potential Career Fields
Quantitative researcher
*Some careers and employment positions require graduate degrees,
specialized training, or addtional certification and licenses.
MBU Program Faculty

Dr. Jodi Herbert
College of Arts and Sciences | Professor
School of Education | Professor
PhD Mathematics, Kansas State University
MS Mathematics, Kansas State University
BS Mathematics Education, Maranatha Baptist University

Mr. Phil Price
College of Arts and Science | Associate Professor
MAT Teaching Mathematics, University of Idaho
BS Mathematics Education, Maranatha Baptist University

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