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2021-2023 Alumni National Project: Gathering Outside Together

Each year the Alumni Association adopts a national project to provide an addition to Maranatha’s campus. Donations will go to this three-year alumni project: Gathering Outside Together.

Fellowship is essential now more than ever, and we want to ensure the safety of our MBU family and guest. Join us as we embark on a three-year project to provide outdoor venues for our students, staff, and faculty to enjoy. The Alumni project will be broken into two phases.

UPDATEPhase 1: Firepit complete!

For Phase 2: Pavilion, we will build a campus pavilion that will provide a picnic area for students to enjoy. This setting could be used for meetings, society activities, student body events, and Maranatha Academy events. It will also be at an ideal location for concessions for outside athletic events as it will be built close to the soccer field.

Will you partner with us to make this second phase of the project a reality? We are looking for volunteers to help build the pavilion and donations for materials. Consider volunteering your time to make this project a reality. A timeline for building the project cannot be established until funds come in for the materials. 

On right: State Street Ministry

Thank you for taking part in this project!

Give by mail at
MBU Alumni Office
745 West Main Street
Watertown, WI 53094

Or give online:

ANP Accomplishments

2016-2017 Alumni Plaza

The Alumni Plaza serves as a testament to the true “brick and mortar” of MBU—those who established the vision of Maranatha and those graduates, churches, businesses, and individuals from around the world who continue to support its mission.

2017-2018 Partnership Project

The Partnership Project funded the purchase of equipment to make professional-quality audio/video recordings of Bible courses. These courses are used by missionaries to train national pastors on the mission field. Missionaries can develop pastors to lead churches by utilizing MBU curriculum and professors. In some instances the presentations are translated.  Sending the training to the mission field is much more cost effective than bringing men from foreign fields to our campus.

2018-2019 Cool Burckart Hall

Air conditioning in Burckart Hall provides a comfortable venue for rehearsals and concerts as well as preservation to the thousands of dollars invested in the 2009 remodeling.

2019-2020 Have a Seat

Thank you to all those who donated. The furniture will be purchased once the next phase of the Heritage project (remodeling 2nd/3rd floor) is complete.

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Phone: 920.206.2369